Friday, March 23, 2012

Different Kinds

There are different kinds of smiles
Happy, content, blissful
Sad, resigned, wistful
Bright, vivacious, infectious
Innocent, darling, precious

There are different kinds of laughter
Heartfelt, booming, unending
Mad, hysteric, heart-rending
Nervous, forced or silent
Breezy, casual or strident

There are different kinds of dances
Energetic, strong, virile
Bleak, hum-drum or puerile
Graceful, swaying, uplifting
Spell-binding, engaging, hypnotizing

There are different kinds of poems
Witty, clever and funny
Happy, lyrical and sunny
Arcane, esoteric, full of fun
Or just plain eccentric like this one


  1. thanks! I had fun writing it, so if you enjoyed reading it, that's a bonus:D
